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Global Seed Savers of the Philippines in Mts Iglit-Baco-Natural Park (May 27-June 2)

For his third technical visit to the field, Bert Peeters of Philippine Permaculture Association invited Harry Paulino , from Global Seed Savers of the Philippine who provided enlightening insights on the art and need of working with seeds.

Our two guests consultants conducted a practical training on seed saving and food crops to the DAF team and staff of MIBNP many of whom are Taobuid. The training included discussions and hands-on demonstration on the selection, cleaning, storage, germination, and propagation of seeds. The Taobuid way of storing seeds on top of their dafugs [hearth] and dongdong [rice store house] was included in the workshop. Taobuid residing near Station 2 were also invited and some of them observed some practical sessions during the journey.

Our local permaculturist team will now build a seed saving storage facility, including an open display system at station 2 to encourage rangers and Taubuid residents to bring, exchange, produce and identify seeds, so as to build an interactive seedbank of all local varieties of plants that grows inside the protected area.

The training feeds into the goal of ensuring continuous supply of seeds and eventually food for the rangers and developing a more efficient Taubuid' farming system requiring less space from surrounding wildlife habitats.

This activity is supported by Re:wild and Darwin Initiative UK Aid.


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