We’ve never recorded Mindoro-endemic birds at Landing in @Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park. These species need forests. Landing is predominantly grassland, which was formerly an airport landing strip of cattle ranchers until the site was declared a protected area in 1970. But we have observed (seen and only heard) and documented five species of Mindoro-endemic birds in forest patches within and adjacent to the ranger bunkhouse at Station 2. Five of these birds are: “turis” to the Taobuid (Mindoro racquet-tail, Prioniturus mindorensis, Conservation Status [CS]: Vulnerable [VU]), “talusi” (Mindoro hornbill, Penelopides mindorensis, CS: Endangered), scarlet-collared flowerpecker (Dicaeum retrocinctum, CS: VU), Mindoro bulbul (Hypsipetes mindorensis), and Mindoro boobook (Ninox mindorensis, CS: VU). Mindoro has nine species of Mindoro-endemic birds. Seven of these have been observed and included in the MIBNP species list. These wildlife species share a living space with the tamaraw and the Taobuid. The strategic aim of our ecosystem restoration experiment in Landing is to learn from experience how best to implement habitat restoration that is not only focused on the tamaraw but also considers other wildlife species and protects indigenous knowledge systems and practices.
Our work in Landing is supported by Mandai Nature.