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Sharing the growing permaculture initiatives at Station 2

On February 2025, set in Station 2 and Landing of Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP), the DAF field team together with Philippine Permaculture Association consultant Bert Peeters showed the Protected Area Superintendent (PASu) Ellie Nuñez and MIBNP Protected Areas Management Office staff the permaculture initiatives on the sites. 

The DAF field team, MIBNP-PAMO staff, and PPA consultant showed PASu Nuñez the different components of the permaculture system which consist of the following zones:

Zone 1: Ranger and field staff living quarters, some made of natural structures

Zone 2: Different types of vegetable gardens

Zone 3: Food forest 

Zone 4: With-intervention ecosystem restoration experimental area

Zone 5: No-intervention control area


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